Investing in what we know and love: SaaS & Cloud

“Notion Capital. Wow. The biggest value-add VC we have as an investor.”

Matt Welle, CEO, Mews

Leading at Series A, building meaningful relationships and playing a pivotal role in your growth from $1m to $100m revenue.

Looking for investment?

Deep SaaS and Cloud expertise.

There’s never been a better time to invest in European SaaS and Cloud. We’re open to investment opportunities of any category, but we specialise in these areas:

Cloud Computing

Modern Enterprise

Industry OS

Future Finance

Fulfil your potential.

We strive to give founders what they need to succeed. We provide a platform of insights, networks and expertise that nurtures leadership, promotes talent and shares knowledge and learnings from across our portfolio to support founders on their extraordinary journeys.

Learn more about Notion’s Platform

Founder-friendly principles.

We believe how we behave is as important as what we do. Our team follows a set of guiding principles to keep everyone focused on the destination while having fun on the journey.

Lisa Simpson, Easol
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"The team is fantastic and I would want any of my peers to experience the way that Notion becomes such a great partner in your business."

Lisa Simpson, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer, Easol

"What makes Notion stand out is having a team of former entrepreneurs, as well as the annual retreat."

Marius Luther, Founder & CEO, HeyJobs

"I love working with the Notion team!"

Sam Fromson, Co-Founder and COO, YuLife

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