With Aaron Ross.

Webinar: Reigniting sales growth

With Aaron Ross.

We’re delighted to invite you to a webinar we’re hosting with Aaron Ross, Co-CEO of PredictableRevenue.com and author of Predictable Revenue as well as From Impossible To Inevitable, about growth systems that have created billions for companies like Salesforce.com, Hubspot and Twillio.

This first webinar will focus on the playbook to reigniting sales growth and adapting to the current environment. Aaron will discuss inbound and outbound sales, (re)nailing your niche, and aligning sales and marketing teams into a single revenue team.

When? Weds 8th April, 11am - midday BST

Who for? Founders, CEOs and Senior Leaders in the Notion Portfolio and Network

Registration: If you're in the portfolio or network and would like to join, please email comms@notion.vc

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