Building Europe’s largest network of specialised B2B SaaS experts and advisors

Notion Experts are the lifeblood of our SaaS ecosystem

Building Europe’s largest network of specialised B2B SaaS experts and advisors

There is one simple truth at the heart of Notion Capital’s investment ethos; we are B2B SaaS entrepreneurs in our own right and we invest solely in B2B SaaS entrepreneurs.

I don’t think it’s an understatement to say “we love founders” and our primary goal in life is to find the very best, invest in them (if our stars align, and if not then wish them well) and then do everything in our power to realise their potential and value, however those are measured.

That singularity of purpose means that while portfolio all have unique needs they also have many shared requirements and that allows us to remain incredibly focused in our efforts.

So, this week we are launching two initiatives that we believe will be critical to creating the B2B SaaS power curve for our founders and their teams:-

  • Building our definitive Notion expert network of SaaS advisors, mentors and consultants in Europe.
  • Creating a burgeoning body of insight and content from across our ecosystem in the form of blog posts and now podcasts.

Both these initiatives are in their infancy. We are announcing 10 Notion experts this week, but with another 100+ waiting in the wings who are ready to go live and already adding value to our portfolio today.

Notion experts have a number of things in common: they have great expertise – often wide, invariable deep – in particular areas that are critical to companies at different stages; they love what they do and love to work with and help smart people.

If you are a SaaS expert in waiting then please do get in touch. Apply here to join our experts programme.

The Experts

Here are a few snippets on our first ten out of the gate:-

  • Ahmed Medhat. Ahmed is a Data Scientist at Facebook and before that Chief Data Scientist Notion Capital company DueDil.
  • David Goldberg. David is the Founder and CEO of Founders Pledge, a new charity that helps tech founders donate to the social causes of their choice, following an exit.
  • David Shearer. David is VP of Marketing at Elevaate. He joined Elevaate from Box Inc, where he was VP Global Marketing + Brand Strategy at their Los Altos, California headquarters.
  • Fergus Gloster. Senior executive Marketo, Salesforce and Oracle. Fergus is a Non-Executive Director at New Voice Media and Field Aware.
  • Hampus Jakobsson. Hampus is CEO and Founder at, prior to Brisk he founded The Astonishing Tribe (TAT) a mobile UI company that shipped on 500+ million devices, TAT was acquired by RIM/Blackberry in 2010.
  • Keith Wallington. Keith has led strategy and execution in digital and technology businesses since the 1990’s. From 2008 to 2014 Keith spent 6 years at global email management provider, Mimecast.
  • Micha Hernandez van Leuffen. Mies is founder and CEO at Wercker where he’s responsible for day to day operations and oversees product development. He’s a product guy and engineer who loves to make developer’s lives easier.
  • Patrick Campbell. Patrick is the Co-founder and CEO of Price Intelligently, the team and software behind some of the biggest and best SaaS pricing strategies from companies like New Relic and Autodesk to Wistia and Litmus. PI is also the maker of ProfitWell, which is free SaaS financial metrics for your billing system.
  • Matt Clifford. Matt is the co-founder of Entrepreneur First, which invests in Europe’s top technical talent to build world-class startups in London. Matt has a particular interest in talking to start ups about commercialisation of machine learning and the hiring top tech talent.

The Podcasts

With each Notion expert we are capturing specific insights and thoughts on our podcast series, with an intention to launch new podcasts every week and new experts every month. You can check out the first episode directly below or click the link here: Episode 1: Chris Tottman discusses taking everything he learnt as a entrepreneur to invest in founders in Europe. You can subscribe on iTunes, Android, RSS or follow us on SoundCloud.

Our experts cover many different requirements, some extremely niche.

  • Business models & architectures
  • Customer Success strategies
  • Evolving strategies for land and expand
  • Grow up / scale up experts
  • Internationalisation – Europe, Asia, US
  • Machine learning / AI
  • New models of SaaS monetisation
  • Pricing and licensing
  • Product Management Excellence
  • SaaS Pricing Model
  • Technology stacks and innovation

Notion experts are being actively introduced to our portfolio and being embedded into the regular events and workshops we host for our portfolio. Many are participating with us on investment decisions and some taking long term advisory or mentoring roles that may evolve into NED, Directors, Chairman or in some cases full time operational roles.

Our intention is to surround ourselves and our founders with the very best experts in Europe, building a value add network that is second to none.

So if you are one of those rockstars, and interested in working with us and the most exciting community of B2B SaaS founders in Europe then please get in touch. Apply here to join our experts programme.

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