Caeli Wind

Wind area analysis in record time with Caeli

Caeli Wind is a digital marketplace that identifies wind potential locations for landowners and enables professional AI-supported analysis and marketing. We want to drastically increase the likelihood and speed of realisation in the wind industry - that's why we bring project developers and landowners together on our marketplace and create land liquidity.

Led by:
Ben Schlemmermeier
Founder & CEO

Ben is a renowned energy industry expert and an absolute thought leader and specialist in his field. Heis not only the founder and managing director of Caeli Wind, but also the managing director of the LBD consulting company. He has been advising energy companies, industry, NGOs & public institutions for 30 years. Climate-neutral living spaces are his mission and goal.

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Heiko Bartels
Founder & CEO

Heiko is one of the founders of Caeli and, as managing director, is responsible for all customer-related topics, from sales to marketing, communication and the expansion of the project developer community. He is an experienced start-up builder and cloud expert. He also uses his energy management know-how in the management of the LBD consulting company.

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